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thermal decomposition kinetics and structure of novel polystyrene clusters with mtempo as a branching agent

, , , , , , , , , ,

macromolecules 2001, 34, 460-464,-0001,():



polystyrene clusters were prepared by using a trace amount of 4-methacryloyloxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxy (mtempo) as a branching agent. such clusters can undergo a thermal decomposition into linear chains at temperatures higher than 100℃. the thermal decomposition was studied by a combination of static and dynamic laser light scattering (lls). the time dependence of the weight-average molar mass (mw), the root-mean-square z-average radius of gyration (〈rg2〉z1/2), and the average hydrodynamic radius (〈rh〉) was used to monitor the decomposition kinetics and cluster structure. it has been found that mw∝t-r, and the decomposition can be roughly divided into three stages; namely, from large clusters to smaller ones; from smaller clusters to less-branched ones; and finally to short linear chains. the scaling of 〈rg〉∝mw 0.33 (0.01 in the first stage indicates that these clusters are uniform in density, which is rare and much different from conventional polymer clusters whose density decreases from center to periphery. moreover, we observed, for the first time, that 〈rg〉/〈rh〉∝mw-0.20 ( 0.01, revealing that even for a uniform cluster swollen in a good solvent, its periphery is still more hydrodynamically draining.

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【免责声明】以下全部内容由[杨玉良]上传于[2005年03月11日 01时03分08秒],凯发k8国际首页的版权归原创者所有。本文仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关。本网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。


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